Interview with The Printed Mind
1. Before The Printed Mind, you were doing Word. Tell us about what it’s been like making that switch from Word to TPM. What are you doing differently this time around?
Word! Apparel was, in my opinion, was school, and TPM is putting what I learned to use. Word Apparel, in the 9 months that it was alive, was amazing. I hit goals that I set for myself, and I grew a fairly large following based solely on it being different than the norm. I don't think that it was anything special, AT ALL, but I treated it like it was, and I happening to sell a good amount of shirts. I had a ton of fun doing it. The Printed Mind started with a bang. The first weekend was crazy, and then it kind of took a dive. Things went slow, and it sort of got a point to where I had to change the way I was advertising, so I started playing around with other channels, and suddenly I hit something smack on the head. Now closing in on 5 months with The Printed Mind, things are growing faster than I can really keep up with. Recently, I have had to take time off of my 9-5, to catch up on things. My most recent release, was intense. I did not sleep for 2 days due to the amount of orders, and the wholesale orders I received that weekend. A far as doing things different, I am keeping a consistent theme, and setting goals to follow far down the road because I believe that this is something that can put me in the runnings with the big dogs.
2. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced starting up TPM?
I think the biggest challenge was bringing my following from Word! over to TPM. I lost a big group of people, but the diehard fans, stayed with me. I was fortunate enough to have some guidance during the set up of the company, and it kept me sane. I believe that the whole Word! Apparel situation, actually forced me to step my game up, and brought forth something greater.
3. People are saying that The Printed Mind is the best upcoming brand that is under 1 year old. What do you think has contributed to your brand’s success? And what makes TPM stand out from all the other young upcoming brands?
First, some of the younger brands out there, blow us away. Some of these guys, and gals, have their head on straight, and they are going nowhere but up. As far as being #1, that would only being a surprise to me, and it would be a insane honor for anything to drop that on us! To answer the question on what has contributed to our success so far, I would say would be the uniqueness of the brand, and the consistent theme. Some other factors that have contributed would be, the constant push from us. We are always talking to every single person, handing out flyers at the mall, showing people at gas stations our shirts, etc...All those things build word of mouth, and a young company like mine, is built upon word of mouth. I believe we stand out because we are already building up an inventory, also wholesaling (news coming soon!), and advertising in magazines. Alot of the younger brands, although have great potential, barely have inventory, variety, etc...and I really think that has alot to do with the growth of your company.
4. You’ve got an active blog on – has this helped you to stay connected to your customers? Do you think active blogs are a good idea for businesses?
A blog is a great way for people to stay connected with us. We make it a point to not blog about our company, and that makes the customer want to come back to check up on us, whatever we might be talking about! I believe that they are good ideas, if you actually give some information that a person can take with them!
5. Where would you like to be in a year from now?
Its a goal, and high one, but I would like to be at the point where, I have to bring someone on board to help out, and holding multiple boutique accounts. Right now, we have 12 different products, and I plan to have 35+ by that time. We are about to unveil a line, which includes 10 new shirts, but that is later news :)
6. A lot of clothing companies are being hurt by this economy. Has the bad economy affected your sales at all?
I wouldn't say so. Our sales have recently been outstanding. I am sure that if the economy was booming, then sales would be even better, but I am not complaining at all. You just have to adapt to what is going on, while staying unique. The people who come, and search out your brand, are already, ready to purchase. You have their sale. So as long as you are getting your name out there, and creating word of mouth, then you will be ok.
7. You’ve got awesome product photos. I’ve noticed that a lot of brands, especially young brands, don’t put effort into photography. What made you decide to go with professional photos for your store? Do you think it’s important for brands to have good product shots?
Good product shots can ultimately make, or break your success. You can have the coolest shirt, but a terrible product shot, or just a mock-up, and it looks like something you would never wear! On the flip side, you can have a crappy shirt, but an amazing shot, and it looks great! Good photos also show that you are committed, and professional. Alot of my recent customers have commented on the efforts, and extra steps that I am taking in just 5 months of business to get this started. I would say that, if you are a young brand, like myself, and you havent taken the time, or steps to have professional shots taken, drop everything, and get it done. Its the only way you will ever get off your feet. What if you are working on gaining a big retail account, and they want to look at your look book, or line sheet, would you want them to see just a mock up?
8. What are some other brands that you look up to or have inspired you in some way?
By far, I say Pyknic, for two reasons. They amazing product, and consistency, and then also, the amount of fun they seem to have. Being successful is fun, and then being successful in this industry, is a blast. There is nothing like waking up, and seeing that your inbox is full of orders, and im sure that The Chef, and The Butcher have the same feelings everyday. Its nothing you can explain. Its just great. Ofcourse everyone says that they look up to the almighty Johnny Cupcakes, but he is the leader in this industry. That would be cliche to say that I look up to him hah!
9. What are some things you have planned for TPM in the future? Any release news you can share?
I don't want to give away to much information to soon, but I recently gained a few big boutique accounts, and also the first major endorsment from The Printed Mind. I am looking into other type of products aswell. It just all takes time, and patience. I am working on a late winter line as we speak, and I will say that the artist involved in this, will make it a killer release. Also, the promo shots for this release are going to rock! I cant wait to take them, and then we will be off to Vegas for a photoshoot there. Thats all coming news though!
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